There are many Americans who could never vote for Clinton

Despite what I see as the liberal agenda of The Boston Globe and many other media outlets, there are plenty of Americans who could never, in good conscience, vote for a corrupt human being named Hillary Clinton. The letters you publish always seem to be in favor of her, but you rarely air the opinions of supporters of Donald Trump. To me, that seems unfair and, yes, biased.

As far as the first debate goes, Trump is not a politician and has had few occasions to debate a rival who has far more experience. A letter writer claims that Clinton is a “terrific debater and leader’’ (“White evangelicals buoy Trump — in spite of everything they believe in,’’ Sept. 28), but what about all the lies she has told to all of us, including, some say, the FBI?

Clinton is a disgrace to this country. The Clinton Foundation has taken millions of dollars from foreign sources, to whom she now owes favors. She tells us what she knows we want to hear, but will do nothing for us if she is elected.

People need to open their eyes to see the direction in which this country is headed, and vote for Trump, the candidate who wants to help us clean up the mess we’re in.

Susan Fiorello
