Recent bird sightings as reported to the Massachusetts Audubon Society:
►Quabbin Reservoir: Six ruffed grouse, 18 bald eagles, a rough-legged hawk, a golden eagle, 15 great horned owls, six northern saw-whet owls, 51 red-bellied woodpeckers, 15 pileated woodpeckers, 28 common ravens, a pine grosbeak, and five evening grosbeaks.
►Plum Island: At Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, three long-eared owls, a short-eared owl, a northern shrike, two common ravens, and 21 red crossbills.
►Deer Island: In Boston Harbor, a barrow’s goldeneye, three Iceland gulls; and a snowy owl at Logan International Airport.
►Miscellaneous: three greater white-fronted geese at Newburyport Harbor Marina; a canvasback at Fresh Pond Reservation in Cambridge; three redheads at Lake Pearl in Wrentham; a tufted duck in the Acushnet River in New Bedford; a barrow’s goldeneye; three Iceland gulls in Winthrop; a Pacific loon at Cathedral Ledge in Rockport; a rough-legged hawk at Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Concord; the two white-winged doves at the Fenway Victory Gardens in Boston; an orange-crowned warbler in both Swampscott and Jamaica Plain; a yellow-breasted chat at Nahant; and five rusty blackbirds in Wayland.
For more information about bird sightings or to report sightings, call the Massachusetts Audubon Society at 781-259-8805 or go to