bird sightings

Recent bird sightings as reported to the Massachusetts Audubon Society:

?Plum Island: Reports from the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge included six northern shovelers, a Hudsonian godwit, 32 red knots, 10 white-rumped sandpipers, 175 semipalmated sandpipers, 60 short-billed dowitchers, an olive-sided flycatcher, five eastern wood-pewees, five alder flycatchers, 15 willow flycatchers, two least flycatchers, 45 eastern kingbirds, a seaside sparrow, 40 bobolinks, an orchard oriole, and 15 purple finches.

?Marblehead: At Marblehead Neck Sanctuary there were yellow-bellied flycatchers, least flycatchers, willow flycatchers, and eastern wood-pewees.

?Ipswich: At Daniel Boone Park there was an American kestrel, a yellow-throated vireo, a mourning warbler, a bay-breasted warbler, and two orchard orioles.

?Concord: Reports from Great Meadows National Widlife Refuge were highlighted by a least bittern, two Virginia rails, a northern waterthrush, and a prothonotary warbler.

?Plymouth: At Plymouth Municipal Airport there was a report of five upland sandpipers, two peregrine falcons, three grasshopper sparrows, a vesper sparrow, and two eastern meadowlarks.

?Miscellaneous: Reports included an American bittern in West Newbury; a Wilson’s phalarope at Belle Isle Marsh Reservation in East Boston; a Caspian tern at Wachusett Reservoir; a black skimmer at Plymouth Beach; and a hooded warbler at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge.

For more information about bird sightings or to report sightings, call the Massachusetts Audubon Society at 781-259-8805 or go to