Yes, Hillary Clinton seems more comfortable on stage (“On the trail, Clinton finds her comfort zone,’’ Page A1, Sept. 5). However, I wish she would start, as soon as possible, feeling comfortable talking about issues as important as Donald Trump’s lack of qualifications, such as income inequality, the economy, and immigration reform.
The country needs to hear that globalization is here and won’t go away and that international trade deals are vital to the United States and this globalized world, but it also must know that those trade deals need to be negotiated and passed only when accompanied by domestic legislation that addresses the disruption to workers and industries.
Finally, Clinton needs to let us know that she is well aware that our tax system is outdated and favors the wealthy, and that none of the economic priorities we set forth can be accomplished if voters support Trump and if they support Republicans who have obstructed President Obama’s economic and immigration initiatives.
Please, Hillary, shout from the rooftops that votes for Congress are almost as critical as those for president.
Elizabeth Bjorkman