Vice HBO, 10 p.m.
While the programming on Vice’s new Viceland network skews a touch more lifestyley, the freshly energized media behemoth’s flagship docu-series on HBO is digging ever deeper into its investigative turf. Friday, Shane Smith and crew take a tour through Cuba’s rapidly changing cultural underground, and tag along with a violent youth uprising in the West Bank.
Spring Broke Showtime, 9 p.m.
Speaking of violent youth uprisings, this documentary from Alison Ellwood (“History of the Eagles’’) dives headfirst into the long and storied history of that revered/feared annual Daytonapocalypse, spring break. How exactly did an innocent swim meet morph into an uncontrollable maelstrom of bros, beer, puke, coke, and MTV? Ellwood’s account is far less foggy than what most of us could dredge up on our own. (For a far less documentary/far more blingy approach, Showtime also has a few remaining airings of “Spring Breakers.’’)
Yukon Men Discovery, 10 p.m.
Where spring never breaks.
Into the Grizzly Maze Starz, 9 p.m.
Yukon-adjacent men.
National Lampoon’s Vacation TVLand, 8 p.m.
Into the Griswold maze.
Michael Andor Brodeur can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MBrodeur.