Where are you going? Where have you been?
The Google app Trips puts all your pre-trip planning and options into one place.
By Michael Andor Brodeur
Globe Correspondent

Many of us have mastered the art of reducing friction while traveling: you check in early, you wear the slip-on shoes, and you perform the rigamarole of the security line like an unconscious choreography. It’s once you reach your destination that all hell breaks loose.

Keeping all those reservations, tickets, itineraries, maps, and to-do lists sorted can be stressful enough to cancel out all the relaxation that’s supposed to come bundled with your vacation. But the new Google app Trips could help change all that.

Trips does all the frantic pre-flight digging through your digital drawers for you, scanning your e-mail and batching together airline and hotel reservations into tidy packets, assembling lists of attractions, restaurants, nightlife options and events, even automatically mapping suggested day trips based on your schedule and local travel times. It also gathers “need to know’’ info like emergency service contacts, public transport details, and tipping standards. Past “trips’’ are then stored in an easily searchable archive.

PRO The most valuable feature on Trips is the one that will spare you the wallop of international data rates: Trips can be individually downloaded to your device in advance and consulted anytime offline.

CON Yes, the notion of Trips rifling through your inbox (and Google-knows-what other data) to anticipate every step of your journey is a little creepy. But such are the jitters that attend the brave new digitally assisted world. Also, the app’s integration with Google Maps could be a little more robust (a live subway map would be cool, for instance).


Michael Andor Brodeur can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MBrodeur.