Sandoval looks leaner in video
Pablo Sandoval./Instagram)
By Mark Shanahan
Globe Staff

Maybe there’s hope for Pablo Sandoval yet. The Red Sox would-be third baseman (left) has been a bust since the team signed him to a five-year, $95 million contract. The two-time All-Star and three-time World Series champ has been injured or grossly overweight during his unremarkable stint with the Sox. Well, it appears he’s serious about getting in shape. The Panda posted a video of himself boxing on Instagram this week and he no longer looks roly-poly. He won’t be confused with Floyd Mayweather, but Sandoval may at least be able to field his position next season. The 30-year-old ballplayer, who’s owed $17 million in 2017, $18 million in 2018, admitted in an interview last month that he became “complacent’’ after signing a lucrative contract.