Women in life sciences
The Venture Forum, a community group for tech entrepreneurs, is co-hosting a symposium with the Massachusetts Biotech Initiative to highlight women’s achievements in the life sciences. A handful of women executives, including Dr. Yael Schwartz of Hygeia Therapeutics, Inc., will present. Tuesday, 5:45 to 8:30 p.m., 60 Prescott St., Worcester.
Boston Chamber businesses
The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce is having a “speed networking’’ event for small- to medium-size companies to meet new business contacts. This event is only open to Chamber members. Wednesday, 7:45 to 9 a.m., Capital One 360 Cafe, 799 Boylston St., Boston. Free.
Health care digital marketing
Boston digital marketing agency Pepper Gang has organized an event for health care professionals on digital marketing for the health care industry. Marketing experts from Google will be on hand to discuss how technology has changed how patients find and interact with doctors. Wednesday, noon to 1:30 p.m., 21 Union St., Boston. Free.
A chance to pitch
The North Shore Technology Council is meeting for a “3 x 5’’ networking event. Attendees are invited to bring business cards and enter a raffle-style drawing for the chance to give a five-minute company pitch to the group. Wednesday, 6 to 8 p.m., Stonewood Tavern, 139 Lynnfield St., Peabody. Free to $20.
Up before the alarm
Hatch Fenway, a startup incubator, and General Assembly Boston are hosting an event on creating a career to love through entrepreneurship. A panel of local entrepreneurs will discuss strategies to turn an idea into a startup. Wednesday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Hatch Fenway, 401 Park Drive, Boston. Free.
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