It’s a relief, amid opioid crisis, to see pain sufferers’ challenges noted

As the wife of someone who has had six knee surgeries and who lives in chronic pain, I am deeply grateful to the Globe not only for the attention to chronic pain (“When the pain won’t go away,’’ July 31), but for putting the story prominently on the front page.

As a psychologist, I am fully aware of the seriousness of the opioid crisis. However, even before the opiod crisis, getting effective pain control for my husband was sometimes nightmarishly difficult. I have been deeply concerned that those rushing to respond to this crisis have been dismissing the real and all-too-often unmet needs of those in chronic pain. It is critical that we attack these issues in a way that BOTH stems the tide of opioid use AND ensures access to relief for those who are suffering.

Patricia Papernow
