Trump’s bill of health is not what you could call clean

Once again, Donald Trump’s response to the recent news cycle about the candidates’ health was short on substance or any hard data, offering instead a plethora of self-congratulatory hyperbole and generalizations.

Singing the praises of his “great genes,’’ Trump and his handlers glossed over his less-than-great nutrition (a predilection for junk food) and a body mass index near the obesity range.

During his performance on the equally unscientific “Dr. Oz Show,’’ Trump, with breathtaking bravado, announced that his primary exercise consists of waving his arms at campaign rallies. One wonders whether either Trump or Oz, both expert manipulators of the surfaces of reality television, caught the irony of the candidate’s conclusion that these campaign arm motions are “a pretty healthy act.’’

Emily Fox-Kales


The writer is a clinical psychologist specializing in weight and behavioral eating problems.