Dominic is always smiling

Sunday’s Child is a weekly column featuring a child currently in foster care awaiting adoption.

Dominic is a sweet and sociable 3-year-old Caucasian boy who loves to laugh, smile, and run as fast as he can. Dominic also enjoys playing with his toys and spending time with his foster family. He is diagnosed on the autism spectrum and has global developmental delays. Because of Dominic’s small size and his developmental delays, he presents in many ways as a much younger child. He continues to make steady progress and is working hard to overcome his challenges and increasing his ability to communicate. At his day care, Dominic’s teacher reports that he has made connections with some of his classmates and even says he is like “brothers’’ with one of the other children.

Dominic would do best in a home where there are two parents with or without other children. The family should have an understanding of autism and global delays as well as be able to celebrate all of Dominic’s daily successes.

Who can adopt?

Can you provide the guidance, love, and stability that a child needs? If you’re at least 18 years old, have a stable source of income, and room in your heart, you may be a perfect match to adopt a waiting child.

Adoptive parents can be single, married, or partnered; experienced or not; renters or homeowners; LGBTQ singles and couples.

The process to adopt a child from foster care requires training, interviews, and home visits to determine if adoption is right for you, and if so, to help connect you with a child or sibling group that will be a good match.

To learn more about adoption from foster care, call the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) at 617-54- ADOPT (617-542- 3678) or visit The sooner you call, the sooner a waiting child will have “a permanent place to call home.’’