AJ, 12, loves math, coin collecting
AJ (Leila Eshghi Photo)

Sunday’s Child is a weekly column featuring a child currently in foster care aaiting adoption.

Anthony, who prefers to be called “AJ,’’ is a 12-year-old boy of Caucasian descent. AJ is an avid coin collector. He also likes Pokemon cards, electronic games, sports, and reading.

He is a smart, straightforward child who appreciates knowing what is going on and what to expect. He refers to himself as an organizer because he always likes to have a plan.

AJ enjoys going to school, and his favorite subject is math. Not only does he excel academically, he is able to have very insightful questions and he is willing to search for information when he lacks the knowledge on a specific topic. AJ receives support from an Individualized Educational Plan in order to help him with emotional support in school.

When asked what type of family he wants, AJ says he he would like a mom and a dad who are nice and have animals. He does very well with males and hopes to have a strong male role model in his life soon. It is recommended that AJ is the youngest or only child in the home.

How do I adopt a child from foster care?

To adopt from foster care, you must go through a training, interview, and matching process. To begin, call the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE), for referrals to agencies in your area. After submitting an initial application, a social worker will meet with you, then refer you for the Massachusetts Approach to Partnerships in Parenting (MAPP) training. After completing the MAPP course, you’ll have meetings with a social worker who will conduct your “homestudy’’ to explore adoption possibilities with you. It’s important to balance patience with persistence to make a match that will build a lifelong family.

To learn more about AJ, and about adoption from foster care, call the MARE at 617-54- ADOPT (617-542-3678) or visit The sooner you call, the sooner a waiting child will have “a permanent place to call home.’’